House passes measure: Men 18-26 auto-registered for selective service.

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The House of Representatives has taken steps to automatically register men aged 18 to 26 for the Selective Service System. This provision was included in the annual defense authorization bill and aims to ensure fair and equitable draft registration.

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Draft Incoming? House of Representatives Passes Bill for Mandatory Military Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26

The U.S. House of Representatives has recently passed an amendment as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025.

The amendment H.R. 8070 will automatically register all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System for a possible military draft, based on information from other Federal databases.

This new system of automatic draft registration would replace the existing system, in place since 1980, in which young men have the freedom to decide whether or not to sign up for the draft.

According to People’s World, the automatic draft registration proposal was initiated by the Selective Service System (SSS) as part of its annual budget request to Congress.

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The military hasn’t been reaching recruitment goals to refill its ranks, and shortfalls are now impacting some branches more than others. Politicians on both sides agree that military recruitment numbers being down are a concern, and some are now wondering if the return of a national service mandate could fix the problem.