Krugman’s Grossly Misleading Inflation Victory Declaration … BUT Purchasing Power Of US Dollar Is Down -16.5% Under Biden (Food Prices UP 21%, Home Prices UP 34%, Used Car/Truck Prices UP 17.7%)

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by confoundedinterest17

Call it Washington DC soullessness.

Back in 2023, Socialist Paul Krugman declared that “the war on inflation is over!!! “We” won, at very little cost.” I love when elitists claim “We won!” since clearly 99% of Americans lost since food, housing and car prices up are double digits under Biden.

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The problem is that food, energy, shelter, and used cars/trucks are a huge part of Americans consumption basket.

Under Biden, food CPI is up 23%. Home prices are up 34% and used cars/truck prices are up 17.7%.

See also  The Dollar survives because Chinese numbers can’t be trusted (sorry yuan) and the Euro is literally trash. The U.S. Dollar is dominating against all odds.

A note to Paul Krugman, YOU may have won, but the rest of Americans lost. Consumer purchasing power of the US Dollar is DOWN 16.5% Under Biden.

Here is where we stand under Bidenomics.

Ask Joe if he cares.


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