Sundown? Inflation Slowing, But Still At 4.5% (Fed Still Printing Zads Of Dollars!)

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by confoundedinterest17

I learn something new everyday. Like Biden yesterday claimed has was VP during Covid (uhm, Covid was in 2020 and Biden left the office of VP in 2017). But nothing gets in the way of Biden and a good story! Like his whopper that he inherited 9% inflation from Trump (even CNN fact-checked this whopper and found it was false. It was only 1.4%!)

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But inflation is still at 4.5%, according to the Cleveland Federal Reserve.

Now, there are many measures of inflation to choose from, from Core CPI of 2.1% YoY to Cleveland Fed’s Median CPI of 4.5%.

See also  Housing Costs should be in official inflation measures

Is it sundown for the US economy and its middle class? Or the wreck of the USS Economy under Biden?


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