What do advanced degrees mean anymore? It’s a joke.

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Here’s an article from


The article reports that the subject received her high school diploma at 15 and on the same day received an associate degree.

Then a year later she had a full 4 year college degree in biology at the age of 16.

Then a year after that she had her MBA at the age of 17.

And she plans to have her second master’s degree next year at the age of 18.

What is going on?  What do these “degrees” even mean, anything?

She, of course then plans to attend medical school.

There was another story just yesterday from the same source about a black male who recently got a masters in biology, like this female, and was making plans for medical school when he almost drowned.


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Here is another article reporting about a 15 year old, also black, who is the youngest college graduate in the state.

At 15, he also has 3, count em 3, associate degrees in addition to his 4 year degree.

He states that if all goes well he will be finished with medical school at 22.

Think about it.  He has graduated from high school, received a 4 year degree from college, and three associate degrees.  He is 15 years old.

In the real world, back when these degrees actually meant something, you would be finishing your sophomore year of high school at 15. 

All of these amazingly high achievers are black.

Wouldn’t you love to see all of them take a test of general knowledge and see how they do?

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This says nothing about the cost of all of degrees.

These children have four advanced degrees at the age of 15, or 17.

Do you know how much that would cost if they were paying for it?

Do you know how many people are prevented from getting any advanced degree, no matter how deserving, because they simply can not afford to go and no one will give them money?

When these people enter into the work force at 18 with their multiple masters degrees, do you think they will perform like people who received a masters in past eras?

Do you think they will be able to teach in their field of expertise, do research, collaborate with their colleagues?

Just another testimony to the collapse of our society.

h/t Guest

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