If your pay hasn’t gone up 15.3% since Brandon was installed, his rampant inflation is eating into your hard earned income

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Vladimir Lenin: “The best way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation”.

Are you getting what you voted for?

Central Banks Will Pivot Quickly. Stagflation Coming: Lacalle

He sees a mild economic slowdown – more-so than a severe recession – due to his belief that central banks will pivot quickly if economic activity slows sharply. For that reason, he sees inflation remaining above 2% for a longer time as growth slows but doesn’t fully dip into recession, i.e. stagflation.

See also  Communism's Coming -- The US is considering a sovereign wealth fund. Alaska already has one, and it's funding a universal basic income.


h/t Qplus17

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