They are the most brain dead out of touch people on the planet with no grasp on what life is like for people and everyone knows it but them

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Reporter stunned by Biden voters’ comments on economy: ‘Nostalgia for Trump years … really shocking to me’

‘Nonstop I heard about the economy,’ NPR reporter says about her time on campaign trail talking to voters

President Biden is facing an uphill battle to convince voters the November election is a “referendum” on Donald Trump, because even Democratic voters have “nostalgia” for the Trump years, a reporter argued on ABC’s “This Week.”

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Host Jonathan Karl asked his political panel on Sunday to comment on the lack of enthusiasm over Biden’s re-election from key demographics who backed his 2020 campaign.

NPR White House correspondent Asma Khalid confessed that the Biden campaign would have trouble selling its message on Trump because “many voters are looking at this election as a referendum on [Biden].”

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Khalid said she has been surprised by Democratic voters telling her on the campaign trail that they have “nostalgia” for the Trump years.


h/t auteur555

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