United Nations prepares to enforce world’s first ‘global tax on emissions.’

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  • The International Maritime Organization held its latest round of negotiations to discuss how to move forward on the climate regulation of the shipping industry.
  • Campaigners said growing support for the world’s first-ever global emissions levy meant it was now more likely to be adopted by the IMO next year.
  • “The UN is on the edge of adopting the world’s first-ever global emissions price, but the policy will only be as successful as countries make it to be,” said Sandra Chiri, shipping emissions international outreach manager at the Ocean Conservancy.
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Two weeks of talks at the United Nations shipping agency concluded in London on Friday, with a clear majority of countries emerging in favor of introducing the world’s first-ever global emissions levy.

The International Maritime Organization held its latest round of negotiations to discuss how to move forward on the climate regulation of the shipping industry, which accounts for around 3% of global carbon emissions.

Thirty-four countries from high- and low-income states expressed backing a universal greenhouse gas price, reflecting a significant upswing in support from the last round of talks in 2023.


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