BLUE ON BLUE: Bill Maher, John Cleese Trash New York Times.

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via hollywoodintoto:

John Cleese visited Bill Maher’s “Club Random,” this week, and the conversation quickly went woke.

By “woke,” we mean the comedians took turns trashing the far-Left movement. Nothing surprising there. Both comic superstars have spoken at length against the cultural scourge.

They might be the movement’s most vocal critics.

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What proved far more shocking is how the progressives tag-teamed against the Old Gray Lady.

The New York Times has been an integral part of liberal life for decades. The paper always leaned to the Left, and for many that perspective proved comforting. It embraced their world view and told a reasonable facsimile to the truth.

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Not anymore, each lamented.

Maher brought up a recurring section of the paper where readers sound off on various subjects. That feedback left Maher reeling.

“We’re f***ed,” Maher said to Cleese with a smile. “They’re just saying the dumbest s***, and it’s printed in the New York Times.”

h/t SG

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