Pork Barrell Chuck And Gaslight Joe! $60 Million For Ukraine, $0 For US Border Disaster (Purchasing Power Of Dollar Down -16% Under Biden)

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by confoundedinterest17

Its Pork Barrell Chuck Schumer and Gaslight Joe Biden! Always ready to lie (gaslight) and spend trillions that we don’t have.

A new $1.2 trillion government spending package Congress is trying to ram through faces significant headwinds in the House, where members are expected to vote on it later this morning.

The 1,012-page bill was introduced at around 3am Thursday morning – just 48 hours before a midnight Friday funding deadline. It must pass both the House and the Senate, after which President Biden will sign it (with crayons at the ready, we’re sure).

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The package accounts for approximately 70% of discretionary government spending – and consists of six out of twelve total bills that Congress must pass each fiscal year to fund the government. The six others, around $460 billion in spending, were passed earlier this month.

According to Fox News, multiple GOP sources, two GOP lawmakers and one senior GOP aide think the package will pass, but by a tight margin.

On Thursday afternoon, however, the bipartisan deal hit turbulence – with one GOP lawmaker citing absurd pork contained within – including funding for LGBTQ centers and facilities that provide late-term abortions.

Pork City

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As usual, Democrats slipped in as much pork as possible, including:– $850k for a gay senior home- $15 million to pay for Egyptian’s college tuitions- $400k for a gay activist group to teach elementary kids about being trans- $500k for a DEI zoo- $400k for a group to gives clothes to teens to help them hide their gender


$60,000,000,000 for Ukraine (of course). NOTHING for US border.

$1,140,000,000,0000 for pork barrelling

1.2 trillion in inflation, an increase of the money supply by 2% in a single spending bill.

The US Dollar’s purchasing power is down -16% under Gaslight Joe.


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