Without reform, private equity dominance in housing spells disaster for homeownership.

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There have been reports flying around claiming that economists have been pulling the wool over our eyes when it comes to the rate at which financial firms are snatching up single-family homes. They told us it was just a small percentage, but the reality is far more alarming.

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In 2023 alone, private equity firms gobbled up a whopping 44% of all single-family homes in the country. That’s right – almost half! And if predictions hold true, they’re poised to do the same this year too.

Now, this isn’t just about numbers on a spreadsheet. It’s about the future of our middle class, our ability to own homes, and the very fabric of our society. Imagine a world where only a handful of companies own the roofs over our heads. Scary, right?

And it’s not just us saying this – economists and politicians from all sides are sounding the alarm. Mortgage payments are skyrocketing, making it harder than ever for first-time buyers to break into the market.

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So, what can we do about it? It’s time for major reform, folks. We need to stand together and demand change before it’s too late. Because if we don’t, we might find ourselves renting from a handful of giant corporations for the rest of our lives.

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