Look for the union label when you are casting your primary ballots.

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The teacher’s unions want to buy Republican politicians to stop school choice. It is just that simple. It’s all to control the $billions in monopoly government school money and to indoctrinate all those young minds as far left Democrats. Get kids out of government schools.

REPORT: Teachers Unions Quietly Spend Millions on GOP Primaries in 32 States.

Though teachers unions are well known for donating huge sums to Democratic candidates, a closer look at donor data reveals that the unions have spent the last six years quietly slipping millions of dollars into the pockets of Republican candidates for state legislatures in contested primary races.

According to databases maintained by Open Secrets and Follow the Money, the largest teachers unions in 32 states have drastically increased donations to Republican state house, assembly, and senate candidates since 2018—donating up to $117,700 to individual candidates in a Republican primary.

In the 2012 and 2016 elections, only 12 states’ teachers unions donated to Republican primary candidates for state legislatures, and of those, only three states’ unions donated average sums of over $3,000 per Republican candidate.

Teachers unions are the largest donor to Democratic campaigns in the United States, with their unions and affiliated political action committees donating $55.3 million to Democratic primary and general candidates in congressional elections in 2022 and $66.5 million to Democratic primary and general congressional and presidential candidates in 2020. In 2022, teachers unions only donated $26,050 total to Republican primary and general congressional candidates.

Investigation Reveals Gender, Abortion Services Masquerading as Health Centers in K-12 Schools.

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h/t Sarah Hoyt

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