Are we truly basking in the glory of the “Greatest Jobs Market Ever,” or is there more to the story than meets the eye?

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In the last year, the U.S. bid farewell to a staggering 284,000 full-time jobs, only to welcome an army of 921,000 part-time positions. The rhythm of the job market seems to be changing, and not everyone might be dancing to the same tune.

February witnessed a record-breaking surge of 1.2 million foreign-born jobs. Is this influx crowding the stage, leaving native-born workers in the shadows?

Native-born job woes continue, with the past three months witnessing a colossal loss of 2.4 million jobs, and February alone marked a departure of 494,000 positions. It’s not just a hiccup; it’s a trend that demands attention.

The scoreboard since May 2018 tells a tale of zero job growth for native-born Americans. Every job gain over the past six years seems to have found a home with immigrants, both legal and illegal.

As we unpack these statistics, a crucial question emerges: Is the “Greatest Jobs Market Ever” a well-crafted illusion? The Biden administration’s penchant for data revisions adds a layer of skepticism. Today’s celebration might turn into tomorrow’s reassessment.

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In the intricate dance of employment figures, are we witnessing a flourishing job market or a puzzle with missing pieces? The numbers tell a tale of uncertainty, urging us to look beyond the headlines.

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h/t Dan