Escape From New York And LA! NY, California And Illinois Seeing Net Out-migration Due To High Taxes/Regulations, Crime And High Housing Costs (Moving To Florida, Texas And The Carolinas)

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Director John Carpenter had two films, “Escape From New York” and the less popular “Escape From LA.” Carpenter’s vision of a dystopian future with Manhattan as a prison island, filled with criminals and Los Angeles as a just a weird, dystopian area filled with gangs and sleazebags. Apparently, Carpenter read George Orwell with a splash of Franz Kafka in writing these films which are sadly becoming a reality. With Biden’s immigration “policy” (let everyone in without checking who they are) is a blueprint for a new film “Escape From The USA!” I wonder if Kurt Russell is available to reprise his role as Snake Plisken?

Like John Carpenter foretold, both California and New York are leading the nation in outmigration. BAD crime, high taxes, insane politicians and droves of illegal immigrants are making living in those state very difficult. Throw in the NY AG Letisha James and Judge Engmoron’s Marxist show trials of Donald Trump for doing absolutely nothing wrong and many people are are plain fed up. Illinois under the “leadership” of Chicago Fats (Governor J.B. Pritzker) and horrendous Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson (who makes former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot almost look reasonable) is third in the nation for outmigration. Once again, high taxes, high crime, lots of illegal immigrants, and inane policies are causing people and businesses to flee. John Carpenter should do a film “Escape From Chicago.”

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Where are people fleeing to? Florida leads followed by Texas, then the Carolinas, and Tennessee. Generally, these states have lower taxes, lower crime, and less intrusive politicians. E.g., no Gavin Newsom (CA), no Kathy Hochul (NY) and no J.B. Pritzker (IL).

Another reason that people are fleeing New York and California is cost of living. To be sure, Bidenomics (an insidious malinvestment plan, aka, donor-nomics) has made matters worse. Home prices (blue line) and rents (red line) has soared and are far higher than the grow in average earnings (green line). Los Angeles is wonderful if you are a celebrity like Steve Spielberg, Tom Hanks and The Office’s Jenna Fischer where you live in a mansion and are protected by the police force. But other parts of Los Angeles are filled with the homeless, illegal immigrants, rampant crime, and is simply unlivable.

See also  Crime is fine as long as the government gets its cut apparently.

Escape From New York is appropriate for today’s situation. An idiot Mayor and Governor, illegals crowding the streets and hotels, crime through the roof, illegals attacking police. And Joe Biden acting like The Duke of New York, A number One! I guess the closest person we have to Snake Plisken is Donald Trump.

On a related note, Georgia is still seeing positive net in-migration. But as the Fani Willis corruption scandals unfolds and their weak-kneed Governor Kemp does nothing, we have yet another film John Carpenter could make “Escape From Atlanta.” Or a computer game like “Call of Booty.”

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