Japan doesn’t play games. This is brutal.

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KOBE–A junior high school principal lost his job and retirement pay, believed to be around 20 million yen ($135,000), as punishment for overfilling his coffee at a convenience store in Takasago, Hyogo Prefecture.

But critics have questioned the prefectural board of education’s decision to apply the most severe penalty available, saying it is akin to giving a “death sentence” for an offense of little monetary loss.

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According to the board, the principal paid 110 yen at the counter of a convenience store to buy a regular-size coffee at a self-service coffee machine on Dec. 21.

However, a store clerk noticed that he filled his cup by pressing the button for a large coffee, which costs 180 yen.

When confronted, the 59-year-old principal of the city-supported school admitted to cheating on his coffee purchase. He also admitted that he had done this twice before at the same store.

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Police sent files on the suspected theft to the Himeji branch of the Kobe District Public Prosecutors Office.

Prosecutors acknowledged that he committed the theft, but decided not to indict him.


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