Switzerland: Hostages taken in regional train. Axeweilding cultural enricher killed, hostages unharmed. Video

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Last night 15 hostages were taken by a Iranian ( of corse, and i don’t believe it ) asylum seeker, armed with knive and axe. Why i doubt he was Iranian? Because They don’t make any problems here usual and the narrative of the “evil” Iranians has to be build up. But 99% it was a muzzlescum, like almost allways.

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The police stormed the train after negotiations failed.
The hostage taker was killed, no hostages were harmed.
This was a very riski action in my opinion, but it luckily worked out.

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Here is a short video made from bystanders in a fair distance to the train the moment the train was stormed.


h/t lol79

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