‘Plan To Reduce The Number Of White Males In Aviation’: Matt Walsh Reveals Troubling Internal Footage Of FAA Discussion On DEI Agenda

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Daily Wire host Matt Walsh posted a thread on X on Wednesday that featured internal footage of Federal Aviation Administration officials “workshopping a plan to reduce the number of white males in aviation.”

The footage obtained by Walsh shows a video conference from April 2022 where acting Deputy Chief Operating Officer Angela McCullough argued for more airline workers to go “from ramp to cockpit,” complaining that Flight Operations is “white-male dominated.” McCullough then argued that the agency needs to “get a little uncomfortable” and “talk about what the future could look like.”

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David Wil Riggins, the FAA’s vice president of Flight Program Operations, responded to McCullough’s comments, saying, “That’s great, honestly. Those are some words that we really need to spend some time digging through and thinking about.”

“This footage, which is from April of 2022, is a sign of a much larger problem,” Walsh said in his post unraveling the FAA meeting. “Over the past few weeks, I’ve heard from several members of the aviation industry who tell me that DEI is endangering the public and distracting them from their work.”


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