Captain Obvious Award Goes To … Treasury Secretary Yellen Who Admits “High Prices Here To Stay” (Food CPI UP 21%, Gasoline Prices UP 38% Under “Inflation Joe”, Home Prices UP 33.2%, Mortgage Rates UP 154%)

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by confoundedinterest17

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen just admitted what the rest of Americans already knew: high prices are here to stay. Example? Food prices (CPI) are up over 20% under Inflation Joe while gasoline prices are up 38% under Clueless Joe.

On the housing front, the Case-Shiller National Home Price Index is up 33.2% under Biden. And Freddie Mac’s 3-year mortgage rate is up 154% under Biden’s leadership (c’mon man! Obama is pulling the strings on Puppet Joe).

Speaking during an interview with ABC News Live over the weekend, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted prices aren’t going down, contradicting arguments repeatedly made by the Biden White House about easing inflation. In 2021, Yellen claimed inflation was “transitory.”

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For months officials in the Biden administration have falsely claimed prices on everyday goods and services were going down. In reality, they’re getting more expensive at a slower pace.

During a briefing at the White House last week, Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre had trouble explaining complaints from Biden when he purchased a smoothie that cost $6.

“Last Friday, the president was at a coffee shop in Pennsylvania, and he seemed to be surprised that the smoothie was $6 and how expensive it was,” a reporter asked. “I’m curious. So is the president now realizing the costs that Americans are bearing?”

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“So, look, when he went over to you all, to the press corps, he was having a good time, right? And offered, as you know, offered to buy them coffee,” Jean Pierre responded. “There was a big group there, and he made sure everyone got coffee and pastries. So I just want to make that really clear.”

That is wonderful, KJP! The White House Press Corps got free coffee and pastries! Yippee!!!

But the rest of us in America are suffering from Bidenomics and inflation. Like food prices having risen 21% under Biden, gasoline prices UP 38%, home prices UP 33.2% and mortgage rates UP 154%.

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