Shelter Dog Breaks Out of Kennel, Sets Off Alarm and Tries to Free Friends Before Getting Busted (video)

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TEMPE, Ariz. – At the Lost Our Home Pet Rescue near 24th Street and Hardy Drive, all was sound in the middle of the night until one of the rescue dogs, King, decided enough was enough.

“The alarm went off. It was like, you know, 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning and I immediately looked to see what was going on and couldn’t find anything happening, and then I saw the mess, and I was like, oh my God,” said Lost Our Home Pet Rescue founder, Jodi Polanski.

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That “oh my,” was footage of King breaking out of his kennel and even trying to get his friends out to join his party. After managing to open a closed door, King decided he needed some food and drinks – making a mess.

King was eventually busted by a Tempe Police officer.


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