We’re Going to See Some Stuff that Makes January 6th Look Like a Weenie Fest

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by Chris Black

Fake elections for a fake country.

America is not a country.

It’s a slave colony for the élites.

Think about it.

Trump getting blatantly blocked from running would probably do more to foment radicals than any other outcome.

If they ban him from standing, it will be one of the greatest abuses of power in US history and will hopefully make millions of people understand the true nature of ‘democracy’.

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First Colorado, now Pennsylvania, California, and Michigan.

Fun times ahead.

I need you to understand that this isn’t a f*cking game.

If you take away people’s right to vote, then literally EVERYTHING is on the table.

The precedent this sets is apocalyptic.

If the ruling party of the most powerful democracy in the world can just erase the names of their largest rivals off the ballot, then no democracy anywhere is safe or sacred.

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If the US can do it, nothing stops Trudeau or whoever in the EU from doing the same.

This sort of behavior is what plunged the Roman Republic into 100 years of civil war that caused it to become a dictatorship in the end.

Even if the decision is repealed by the Supreme Court, the fact that it came up at all will be a precedent in and of itself.

And if it isn’t repealed, then everything is unironically over.

The death of the democratic system will come within our time.

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