I work with the public and I’m seeing so much cognitive decline lately.

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by ClockworkSkyy

I’ve worked with the public for the last decade. It used to bring me so much joy but now not so much. I’m starting to notice a decline in people’s cognitive abilities and their ability to reason.

Selfishness and entitlement is absolutely rife yet people are bled dry of every penny and they sit and accept it.

People’s ability to reason and critically think about a given situation is none existent. They go from 0-100 over the slightest thing. The get so enraged over the slightest thing and even more so if you don’t agree with their narrative views. This is both online and in the physical world.

I used to enjoy conversations with people about general topics. Not so much anymore, after a few sentences people tend to resort to talking about the fear mongering that they’re hypnotised by and can’t hold a normal conversation.

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EDIT: example, I’ll be discussing let’s say football. Normally it’ll be a nice debate but lately if you don’t agree with them or have different views then you’re like a mortal enemy. This is a likely outcome across the board of topics.

Go shopping in retail when it’s busy and you’ll see what I mean. Take a drive during rush hour and you’ll see what I mean.