ChatGPT is not flawless

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by AC

If you think AI is perfect you are very much mistaken!

I just pointed out an error to ChatGPT (Bing Chat in fact, which is the same).

Bing Chat’s response to one of my questions included this: “The two copies of a chromosome are called sister chromatids, and they are identical to one another”.

So I pointed out its mistake which must have been made up outright as no one will assert they are the same, and it replied this.

See also  ChatGPT is upgrading itself — Sam Altman

“You’re absolutely correct, and I apologize for the confusion. The two copies of each chromosome that an organism has are not identical. One set of chromosomes is inherited from the mother (the maternal set) and the other from the father (the paternal set). While these chromosomes are homologous, meaning they pair up properly during meiosis and have genes for the same traits at the same locations, the specific versions of genes they carry can differ. For example, a mother could pass on a version of a gene for blue eyes, while the father passes on a version for brown eyes. Thank you for pointing out this error. I appreciate your understanding.”

Very polite as always, but where could ChatGPT get such wrong data?

And it only gave me the correct information AFTER I pointed out the false information! If I hadn’t known myself it was wrong, I would have been none the wiser.

Always be very careful with ChatGPT.

There is NO confusion involved, BTW.

Software or computers cannot be “confused”.

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