FBI Stonewalls Ted Cruz on Alleged Biden ‘Bribery’ Audio Recordings

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Do you have the 17 recordings? Yes or no?” Cruz drilled Abbate.

“I’m not going to get further into that,” he replied after admitting the FBI possesses a form that alleges the 17 recordings.

“That’s the problem the FBI has right now, an unlimited hubris that you believe you are unaccountable,” Cruz slammed the FBI agent. “You don’t believe you’re accountable to the United States Congress, and you don’t believe you’re accountable to the American people.”

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“You’re sitting there happily erecting a wall to protect Joe Biden,” he added.

Cruz again pressed Abbate to disclose the alleged audio recordings. “Will you provide the 17 recordings so we can assess what is the evidence, the specific credible evidence, that Joe Biden personally took a $5 million bribe from a foreign national?”

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“Senator, we will work with this committee, you, and other members to provide the information within the parameters of the process,” Abbate said, providing an indefinite answer.


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