The Financial Institution that I work for just let go 3% of their employees

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by CrazyMama73

That equates to 80% of my department just got their walking papers. This has been an extremely sad day for me. People given a weeks notice, some having to be walked off the premises today.

You know how it goes.. Banks losing money.. share holders not happy.. lets make cuts to make share holders happy.

One of the saddest days of my life having to witness it and wonder why I still got my job.

This will just be the beginning of worse things to happen in Canada.

I was one of 4 people they kept. I don’t understand the reasoning behind it but for now I am ok. I have 10 more years to retire at 60. I will be ok, my husband and me saw this shit coming a while ago, which is why we sold in the city and bought out in the country, minimizing our expenses. So many of the wonderful people I worked with will be impacted more. Young people with young kids with ridiculous mortgage payments. It sickens me.

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