We Are Drowning in War Propaganda

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by Chris Black

Let me explain how atrocity propaganda works.

They show you a banana and say it is an orange, and they flood the zone with a claim so many times that people who have seen a banana will swear they remember seeing an orange.

For example, while claiming that “hundreds” or ravers were mowed down they show you a picture of three body bags. While claiming an entire family was massacred, they show you a bloody blanket. They they repeat these same claims up and down the entire media and people soon start thinking they actually saw evidence of these things.

It’s like when people show you the British dumping bodies of typhus victims into a pit at Bergen Belsen and they think this proves that 1 million were gassed at Auschwitz.

They show you a disturbing picture, and tell you a disturbing story and since your defenses are down from seeing something shocking, your mind connects the two and you think you actually saw something you didn’t.

The other technique is just to pass a law making it illegal to doubt atrocity claims.

I’m watching people losing their minds again over a fire-hose of unverified war propaganda.

Are you ready to join Lindsey Graham, BoomerCons and the GOP and Stand With Israel in a religious war against Hamas and Iran?

The Axis of Evil is back.

Who could have predicted this?

Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, James Traficant among others.

Everyone who knew anything about the situation in Gaza knew it was a ticking time bomb.

Here’s a taste of atrocity propaganda:

This “conservative” kosher-influencer would send your children to die for Israel any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

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Donald Trump Jr. jumped on an old ISIS video from Syria and claimed it was proof of a massacre in Israel.

CNN caught staging fake news. War criminals are crying on television.

Joe Biden is echoing claims of 40 beheaded babies which ultimately trace back to a single source.

The White House is walking back Joe Biden’s claim that he saw photos of the beheaded babies.

The IDF is also refusing to show photos of the alleged beheaded babies because it would be disrespectful to the dead.

They are now canon and questioning their existence is tantamount to denying the Holocaust.

The attack was unprovoked:

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In short, “journalists” are throwing everything against the wall in order to sell us on another war, as we saw in Iraq and Ukraine.

FOX News hasn’t been this unbearable since the George W. Bush years.

The GOP appears poised to rush into the war to Stand With Israel.

Israel wants U.S. troops do the fighting as per usual, that is why the Lügenpresse is emphasizing the baby killing story.

Hamas denies it and the story is probably not true because the IDF and even some news reporters are questioning the story.

Killing children is so despicable it makes every normal person recoil in horror and if it is later proven false, like the babies thrown out of incubators story in Kuwait from 1990, it won’t matter.

The damage has already been done.

The Lügenpresse is also emphasizing “Americans” have been killed and taken hostage.

In reality these are dual nationals whose loyalty is to Israel but a U.S. passport is extremely useful, especially now.

Since “Americans” have been killed and captured, it naturally follows that U.S. military forces must rescue them.

It’s obviously not a civilian police matter like abductions in the U.S. which civilian police forces handle.

No doubt only “small numbers” of so-called “special forces” will be deployed at first but they need support troops and soon reinforcements, air cover, naval support etc.

At that point why not go balls out and attack Hezbollah or anyone else Our Greatest Ally demands?

Of course, between the Ukraine fiasco, threats to go to war for Taiwan and shrinking numbers of available forces as well as endless financial troubles the GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire is all tapped out but that never stopped those geniuses from starting another war.

Some people say: why should we care about Palestinians? No one likes them in the Arab world anyway.

I mean, none of the Arab nations care about Gaza or the Palestinians. Iran gives minimal aid to Palestine and none to Hamas.

Most of the support for Hamas comes from Turkey, where the political leaders of Hamas live.

Egypt has them walled off, same as the yids. Like everyone else in the region they hate the Palestinians.

“Why should we even care? ”

Because what they do to the Palestinians is what they plan to do to us.

They’ve displaced the Palestinians and that’s what they are doing to us. Palestinians have been de-housed and the same thing is happening in America, albeit by different means.

Because if they can get away with this, it gives them a green light to do it to others, namely us.

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