Switzerland: The country's energy situation is serious and we have requested supplies from Germany and Italy.
— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) August 14, 2022
United Kingdom annual inflation
June, 2020: 0.6%
June, 2021: 2.5%
June, 2022: 9.4%
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) August 14, 2022
Current Western energy policy
— Tracy (𝒞𝒽𝒾 ) (@chigrl) August 14, 2022
The German “Energiewende” started in 2002 & made electricity steadily more expensive b/c of its many wind & solar subsidies (EEG-, KWKG-, StromNEV-, Offshore-Umlagen).
Current wholesale prices makes them unaffordable for electricity-intensive industries.#Atomkraft #Fitfor55
— Alexander Stahel 🇺🇦 (@BurggrabenH) August 13, 2022