He asked for it: Mayor Adams basically conceding New York City is done because of illegal immigration

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NEW YORK CITY (WABC) — The Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs kicked off Immigrant Heritage week by launching the “We Love Immigrant NYC” Campaign.

This is the latest addition to the We Love NYC campaigns that have been running to promote the city.

NYC 2017:

‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy President Trump’s Immigration Order

The mayors of American cities large and small reacted with outrage on Wednesday as President Trump signed an executive order saying he would halt funding to municipalities that did not cooperate with federal immigration officials.

The defiant officials — from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and smaller cities, including New Haven; Syracuse; and Austin, Tex., said they were prepared for a protracted fight.

“We’re going to defend all of our people regardless of where they come from, regardless of their immigration status,” Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York said at a news conference with other city officials.

h/t A Deplorable Neanderthal

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