Biden cabal seeks political or financial gain by inflicting economic and social damage

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THE DARK NIGHT OF FASCISM IS ALWAYS DESCENDING IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY AND YET LANDS ONLY ON THE LEFT: The government’s attack on Elon Musk is the latest regime experiment in repression.

At nearly the same moment that the president was touting his administration’s supposed success in creating jobs for Americans, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit to enjoin Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) from creating jobs for Americans. This is not a polemical mischaracterization; the Department’s complaint hinges on its claim that “from September 2018 to May 2022, out of more than 10,000 hires, SpaceX hired only one [asylee]…and did not hire any individuals who were refugees.” Musk’s company, which unquestionably is a global leader in space and satellite technology, has revenues in the billions of dollars, and employs 12,000 people, is now in the federal crosshairs for only hiring Americans and, presumably, permanent residents. A few years ago, you might be forgiven for assuming this hypocrisy was the consequence of one arm of a bloated bureaucracy not knowing what the other was doing. Not anymore.

More sinister forces are at work. Any informed observer would recognize this move as a deliberate power play: the regime says one thing to deceive its low-information voters while doing another to destroy its opponents. Here, since Elon Musk is a regime opponent, it is irrelevant that SpaceX’s hiring practices are consistent with the president’s supposed economic goals. Musk must be stopped (or at least deterred), even if it means Americans will lose their jobs. In this respect, the suit is a lame attempt to sideline Musk prior to election season. Second, the suit also reveals what the regime (and the ruling class that supports it) think about America and ordinary Americans. They don’t like or care about them.


If the government of the United States of America can sue an American company because it “hired only U.S. Citizens and lawful permanent residents”; can sidestep the jury system, that last vestige of representative government in which American citizens can still participate; can publicly encourage aliens of dubious legal status to snitch on the so-called wrongdoing of Americans and American companies; and can then rely on its propaganda mouthpieces in the mainstream media to pretend none of this is happening, then the country is in bad shape indeed.

h/t Stephen Green

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