American Cancer Society- “ Start HPV Vaccination at Age 9“

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‘New Research Reinforces the Recommendation to Start Offering HPV Vaccines at Age Nine
Read NEW evidence, recently published, on the impact of initiating HPV vaccination at ages 9-10, including population studies, quality improvement projects, brief reports, and commentaries from experts in the field. The collection of 10+ published articles shows the benefits, effectiveness, and acceptability of routinely recommending HPV vaccination for all preteens starting at age nine.’

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Trainings to improve physician perceptions and provision of HPV vaccine

‘Important Reads: Will HPV Vaccination Prevent Cervical Cancer?

It’s been 17 years since the first human papillomavirus vaccines came out. Claims that the vaccine reduces cervical cancer are misleading, for the following reasons:

The reports of reductions in “cervical cancer” did not measure cervical cancer.

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The reported reductions were most frequently reductions in vaccine-targeted HPV types, not “all HPVs” (This has been the pattern in all of the studies!).

Available data conclusively now support type replacement (the replacement of vaccine-targeted types with rarer, potentially more aggressive types of HPV).

Data show increases pre-cancerous conditions in younger groups and no change in older women.’

h/t A Deplorable Neanderthal