Kansas Judge who signed Warrant for exposing Business Woman’s DUI has 2 DUIs herself

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This whole incident get weirder by the day.

1. Vice Mayor and local newspaper receive information that a local business woman had a DUI arrest and has been driving for 10 years without a license.

2. Local judge signs search warrant to investigate the newspaper even though they never printed the story.

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3. Charges dropped by Marion County Attorney Joel Ensey

4. Now we know that the local judge had 2 DUIs herself.
– Eighth Judicial District Magistrate Laura Viar
– 7 months apart
– The second one was while she was County Attorney and driving a judge’s vehicle and while having a suspended license

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That is a lot of judges, county attorneys, DUIs and driving without a license. I think there is a lot more going on here than is being reported.



h/t Doctor Congo

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