The richest 10 percent of U.S. households are responsible for 40 percent of American greenhouse has emissions

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Huge shocker: the richest 10% of Americans are responsible for 40% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. So all those rich people lecturing you about climate justice could probably make a huge dent in the problem if they were put on 24/7 climate lockdowns.

Because obviously democracy means the 90% shouldn’t be punished for the clearly very selfish and destructive behavior of the 10%. Since many of the members of the 10% are so vocal about the climate, perhaps they should lead the way. Otherwise it would seem they don’t really care about greenhouse gases or they feel more entitled to produce excess greenhouse gases.

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But of course the real problem is actually cow poop.

The richest 10 percent of U.S. households are responsible for 40 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, according to a study released Thursday in PLOS Climate. The study, which looked at how a household’s income generated emissions, underlines the stark divide between those who benefit most from fossil fuels and those who are most burdened by its effects.

People often think of their carbon footprint in terms of consumption, such as how they get to work or what they eat, but that provides an incomplete view of who is responsible for a lot of greenhouse gas activity, said Jared Starr, lead author of the study.

Many of the ways people earn money are also linked to carbon pollution, including from how and where they earn their wages to where they invest parts of their income. These investments, especially if linked with fossil fuel-related industries, can seriously tip who is most responsible for the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, said Starr.

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h/t Settlemente

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