How many of you remember when the “news” was just 30 minutes in the evening?

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Not that 30 minutes was any less BS. I mean you can influence either way.

But didn’t the free fall of society really start speeding up with the advent of 24/7 news and MTV?

See also  FOMC Minutes: "The staff provided an update on its assessment of the stability of the U.S. financial system and, on balance, continued to characterize the system's financial vulnerabilities as notable." "Hedge fund leverage reached its highest level since 2013." Ruh-roh...

What information do you trust and where do you find it?

Please don’t say Twitter…..


Norm does a funny take on how the 24/7 propaganda influences behavior without ever directly saying it.

See also  Massive protests erupt in Brazil, but you definitely won’t see these images on the nightly news.

How much of the world has been partially MK-Ultra-ed…or is in the ongoing process of it?


h/t General Murmur

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