There is only ONE candidate who is significantly in the lead and because of the extreme biases and agendas in place polls will be manipulated to hype the election to the point where they will give the appearance that both sides are equal across the board. They don’t want to show their biases, hence they want to show both candidates in a heated tied race which is NOT HAPPENING. Most certainly nowhere near the numbers they are generating on screen for the public. Another lie they keep pushing is this discussion of “undecided voters” LOL that’s the biggest joke of them all. NO ONE is undecided. Everyone has picked their side. It’s just another tactic the political and media jackasses use to give the impression that these so called confused voters can sway the election one way or another. It’s all bullshit and virtually all elections including this one has already selected their puppet political by the powers that be to continue feeding the machine where no real progress is made in this country.
h/t earthloverboy333