10 Commandments Of Credit Card Rewards

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10 Commandments Of Credit Card Rewards by The Point’s Guy

1. Thou shalt pay thy balance in full.

2. Thou shalt not miss a payment.

3. Thou shalt not cancel a card before thou hast opened a new one.

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4. Thou shalt not cancel a card and lose thy points and miles.

5. Thou shalt not allow thy rewards to expire.

6. Thou shalt not miss out on a welcome bonus.

7. Thou shalt take advantage of category bonuses.

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8. Thou shalt not ignore cards with annual fees.

9. Thou shalt pursue retention bonuses.

10. Thou shalt not pay foreign transaction fees.

Read Full Article Here: TPG’s 10 Commandments Of Credit Card Rewards


h/t RedditReader428

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