Economic Vertigo! US Interest Payments Expected To Keep Rising Under Marxist Harris (And Why The Fed MUST Try To Lower Interest Rates)

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by confoundedinterest17

After watching the Democrat hate fest last night (Aka, the Democrat National Convention), I was not shocked that the DNC platform looked like a playbook to destroy the US economy. High taxes, endless spending, more regulations, etc. Not a word about the staggering side of the US debt load … with Harris’ economic plan projected to add a whopping $25 trillon in debt to the already massive $35+ trillion debt load.

And not a mention that US interest payments on the national debt already exceeds defense spending. And is booming!

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Of course, Harris’s economic vision is a continutation of Biden’s disastrous visions (which are Obama’s vision of US obliteration). Most politicians in Congress are millionaires (including Bernie Sanders) and won’t suffer from their insane “progressive” policies. Watching last night’s DNC hatefest was like watching nasty 2nd graders having a party.

Of course, the drove of anti-American, anti-properity speakers spewing venom (I hate Hillary’s flat-tone speaking style) like Hillary, Jaime Raskin (aka, Rasputin), AOC, etc. all failed to acknowledge to acknowledge the already monstrous size of the US debt ($35+ trillion) or the massive size of the unfunded promises ($218+ TRILLION). Of course not.

See also  Spending is out of control. Interest on the debt is out of control.

The handle the staggering interest payments that will crowd out other spending, The Federal Reserve will be forced to lower rates.

Of course, Democrats will wheel out “economists” like Robert Reich who say that the debt doesn’t matter.

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