Decline is a choice forced on us by democrats

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Joe Biden’s Energy Policies Are Based on Fantasies and Fairy Tales.

PJM manages the transmission of wholesale electricity across 13 states and the District of Columbia – including major data center hotspots such as Virginia and Ohio.

Meanwhile, a neighboring RTO, the Mid-Continent Independent System Operator (MISO) painted an even gloomier picture in its recent “Reliability Imperative Report.” MISO manages electric transmission across 15 states throughout most of the Midwest, Mississippi Valley, and Great Plains regions as well as the Province of Manitoba in Canada.

In their report, MISO forecasts a demand increase of 60 GW, or 32%, by 2042. At the same time, MISO expects much of their current baseload capacity to retire. And despite new renewable generation planned for construction, MISO expects to see a net capacity decline of 32 GW (@18%).

“Because new wind and solar resources have significantly lower accreditation values than the conventional resources that utilities and states plan to retire in the same 20-year period, the region’s level of accredited capacity is forecast to decline by 32 GW by 2042” MISO stated.

PJM expects 58 GW of current capacity to retire by 2032, which is approximately 30% of the total current capacity of 196 GW). This amount of capacity loss is despite peak forecasted demand increasing by 43 GW above current capacity.

The story continues to repeat itself across the country.

DEI MUST DIE: The Revenge Of The Diversity Non-Warriors. “You know who I mean because you encounter them in your work, community, local government all the time. And now you get to see them in places in the Federal Government that I’m sure you never expected. The military, the Secret Service, the FBI, and much more. In fact, pretty much the entire security and military apparatus of the US has been taken over by bureaucrats. And the bureaucrats are pushing diversity hiring and promoting agendas. The Secretary of Homeland Security has a stated goal of 30% diversity, which I suppose means that 30% of the workforce is something other than white men. But is the workforce competent and capable?”

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Not so much.

“We have a military that could not possibly execute Operation Desert Storm today. Not only does our modern military have leadership that couldn’t even execute an evacuation from Afghanistan competently, but the rank and file are no longer particularly competent or physically fit, either. And those that meet the standards are demoralized and feel betrayed and unsupported by their country. And the failure to recruit enough soldiers in 2022 and 2023 to maintain strength levels is the proof in the pudding.”

Flashback: The US Army discovers woke doesn’t win wars — but is it too late?

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