Never Trumper is voting for Trump.

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If our choice is Biden v Trump, I will be voting for Donald Trump
I never thought I’d write these words; but Joe Biden is already physically and mentally unfit to be President, and he cannot possibly serve another four-year term.

I was planning to leave my ballot blank.


This isn’t about policies. I’ve gotten more conservative over the years, but I’m still basically centrist. I agree with Republicans on the borders and Israel, with Democrats on Ukraine and abortion (the issue is awful, but if you put a gun to my head and made me pick no abortion or unfettered access, unfettered it would be). Both sides happily spend money they don’t have and roll over for the health-care industrial complex.

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This isn’t about policies. This is about men.

Donald Trump’s unwillingness to accept he lost the 2020 election – which was unfair but in no way stolen – is dangerous. Trump’s personal flaws are obvious. He’s a blowhard, an egomaniac, obsessed with celebrity, and willing to say whatever pops into his head, true or not, if he thinks it will score points.

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But Joe Biden is all those things too. (Anyone who doubts that reality should read up on his failed 1988 Presidential campaign, which happened at a time elite media organizations still reported honestly on Democrats.)

And Biden is one more thing that Trump isn’t.

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