Despite surging equity, homeowners struggle with rising costs, insurance premiums, and maintenance burdens.

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A recent report from the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies highlights an interesting paradox: while home prices soar and homeowners’ equity increases, many homeowners are still struggling with rising costs. Here are some key points:

  • Equity Growth: The average homeowner’s equity has surged by $28,000 over the past year, reaching an average of about $305,000. This growth is due to the appreciation in home values.
  • Cost Burden: Despite this equity boost, homeowners face challenges. Rising costs of home insurance premiums, home repairs, and property taxes are putting a strain on their finances. Even those lucky enough to own homes are feeling the pinch.
  • Vulnerable Groups: Lower-income individuals, older homeowners, and people of color are particularly vulnerable. High mortgage rates and a scarcity of smaller, accessible homes limit their options for moving or downsizing. About 30% of Black and 28% of Hispanic homeowners are considered cost-burdened, compared to 21% of white homeowners.
  • Maintenance Burden: Homeowners are not only dealing with mortgage payments but also facing maintenance costs. Insurance premiums have risen significantly due to climate-related issues like flooding and fires. Nationally, average home insurance premiums increased by 21% between May 2022 and May 2023.
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In summary, while homeowners enjoy increased equity, they are grappling with the realities of maintaining their homes in a challenging housing market.

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