88% of Americans feel the U.S. is on the wrong track—most say it’s worse than four years ago.

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A stunning 88% of Americans now believe the U.S. is on the wrong track and just 10% believe it is on the right track, according to a new poll from the Monmouth University Polling Institute, marking an all-time low for the question, with President Biden facing a whopping 58% disapproval rate as respondents worry chiefly about the economy.


Inflation ranked as the chief concern among one-third of poll respondents, followed at a distance by gas prices (15%), the economy (9%), bills (6%), abortion (5%), guns (3%), and Covid (1%), in a poll conducted among 978 Americans from June 23 to June 27.

The poll found 42% of Americans are struggling to remain where they are financially — the highest number recorded since Monmouth began asking the question five years ago — an increase of 18 points since last year that Monmouth says is equal across most demographic groups.

Biden’s approval rating hit 36% in the poll–beating his previous record low of 39%— and just 15% of respondents approve of Congress.

Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute, said “most Americans are blaming Washington for their current pain,” but the poll notes that despite their unhappiness, the public remains “evenly divided” over which party they want in control of the federal government.


In the latest sign that America is eager to return to the prosperity and peace of the Trump era, most voters who were asked President Ronald Reagan’s classic economic question said they are not better off than they were when the Biden-Harris ticket was elected four years ago.

See also  Consumer confidence is falling off a cliff.

In a new Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets, 56% said “no” to Reagan’s final 1980 pitch in his campaign against President Jimmy Carter: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

Just 40%, mostly Democrats, said they are better off.


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