80%-90% of the population may just be functioning on auto-pilot.

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by xho6130

I recently read an article from Forbes pointing out that only about 10%-15% of the human population is self-aware. I’ve been noticing the validity of this claim all around me. At my college, there are hordes of people chasing influencers who are little more than criminals or gang members. People openly talk about assaulting others with no remorse—out loud, in public. Many spend double-digit hours glued to screens daily. Nobody seems bothered by the overwhelming amounts of AI-generated content flooding the web, and the list goes on.

What I’m trying to say is that people don’t seem to care about anything anymore. The world just keeps moving forward, and most people seem devoid of deeper emotions. Everything feels suppressed. Nobody appears human anymore—most have lifeless eyes, devoid of any sign of a person behind them. Nothing and no one feels real anymore. Brainrot and advertising have flooded both the internet and public spaces, filling people’s minds with useless information and superficial desires.

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Because of this, nothing feels authentic. Everyone seems preoccupied with the same unreasonable nonsense. Conversations sound identical, regurgitating the same information over and over. People worry about staying up-to-date with the latest crazy thing a popular YouTuber did or the newest creator drama. Even scams and scandals have become sources of entertainment.

Most of what I see people doing seems to be aimed at creating good impressions in others’ minds, detached from genuine emotion or passion.


Here’s the frightening part: this feels like some kind of “filler personality” that has naturally developed. It’s as if our brains have adopted this response to fit better into society by just going along with the crowd. In such a scenario, originality is no longer required. We simply mimic what others are doing, with little real thinking involved.

This lack of originality is why people aren’t self-aware. It’s as though we’re meeting the same person repeatedly. Many people around us might just be functioning on autopilot—perhaps 80%-90% of the population. That’s massive.

Here’s the article, by the way:
