In a sweeping crackdown on organized crime, 59 individuals linked to the notorious ‘Ndrangheta mafia were arrested in Calabria, southern Italy. This operation, which took place in 2024, targeted the mafia’s global drug-trafficking operations.
Among those arrested, 50 were immediately jailed, while nine others were placed under house arrest. Authorities have connected the group to a variety of illegal activities, with a heavy focus on international drug smuggling.
The ‘Ndrangheta, long regarded as Italy’s most powerful mafia organization, has a vast network that stretches across Europe and other continents. This operation marks a significant step in efforts to dismantle one of the most influential crime syndicates in the world.
Mafia in Italy raided, dozens arrested: Global drug-trafficking network busted
59 people were arrested in a police raid targeting the 'Ndrangheta mafia in Calabria, southern Italy, authorities said Thursday.
Police reported that 50 suspects have been jailed and nine placed…
— Jack Straw (@JackStr42679640) November 8, 2024
- The Print – Nearly 60 arrested in Italy raid against ‘Ndrangheta mafia
- US News – Nearly 60 Arrested in Italy Raid Against ‘Ndrangheta Mafia
- INTERPOL – INTERPOL-led coalition arrests 100 mafia suspects