25 percent of America skipping meals

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via FOX:

More than a quarter of Americans have resorted to skipping meals to avoid paying inflated grocery store prices, according to a new survey.

According to a study by Qualtrics on behalf of Intuit Credit Karma, 80% of Americans say they have felt a “notable increase” in grocery costs in recent years. More than a quarter of respondents said the increased cost has led them to occasionally skip meals, while about one-third said they spend more than 60% of their monthly income on mandatory expenses such as food, utilities and rent.

“Food insecurity is a major issue in this country as millions of Americans don’t have enough food to eat or don’t have access to healthy food,” Courtney Alev, a consumer financial advocate at Credit Karma, said in a statement.


According to a report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nearly 7 million households in the United States had to skip meals at times in 2022 due to difficulty getting enough food. This increase in food insecurity reversed a decade-long decline in hunger. The report found that 44.2 million people lived in households struggling to feed everyone, including more than 13 million children experiencing food insecurity—a jump of nearly 45% from 2021. Factors contributing to this situation include the loss of pandemic-era measures, rising food prices, housing costs, and an increasing number of Americans working in unstable gig-economy jobs.

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