$21B ATM fuels BTC surge; yield hides a Ponzi risk. Bitcoin’s a game of musical chairs—exit before the music stops.

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A trader thinks that the prices of eggs are going to increase, and so he contacts his broker and asks him to buy 1,000,000 egg futures at $1.70

Sure enough, a week later, the price of egg futures is $2.50, and the trader, happy to ride his winners, places an order for 3,000,000 more egg futures

Next month, at $4.30 a piece, he pats himself on the back and restructures his liquid investments to buy another 10,000,000 egg futures

At the end of the quarter, egg futures are trading at $7, and the trader finally calls up his broker and tells him to sell them all

The broker replies: “To who? You’re the egg man!”

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